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Sunday, December 06, 2009

12 August , when CrystalMagic was created , it consisted of magey , marie and 4 other members. Soon more and more member joined. And CM grew bigger and bigger =D . We were like family . And we laughed together , talked together and joked together =D Once , marie made someone a jr and he kicked everyone out of the guild ._. . But we didn't give uppy ~ ^__^ . He said he got hacked . * Yeah right * . We had some difficulties in the guild too . ): . We quarreled and stuff but in the end things always get better ^__^ . woohoo . CM is like family ♥ . Thought we don't celebrate CM annivesaries doesn't mean we don't love it right ? ^^ . We don't celebrate it probably cause of some reasons. But we'll never forget it =D . And it will last in our mind forever and ever. Oh this is getting mushy and mushier :P . Hope we can be families for ever yeah. ♥

Magey and Mars ♥ .

Ohoh. And note that we've already change our blog pw ^^v

4:10 AM | back to top

CM's Rules
everything has a rule isn't it?

[1] Respect guild members and others regardless of your position, level or job
[2] No guild hopping
[3] Do not use vulgarities in the guild chat
[4] No begging for promotion, items or mesos
[5] Do not KS guildmates and other maplers
[6] Jrs are not allowed to expel anyone
[7] Do not misuse the guild BBS
[8] Inform the Jrs or write in BBS if you can't play for a period of time
[9] Try to log in at least once a week
[10] No hackers and scammers are allowed in the Guild
[11] Do not spam the guild chat unless there is really a need to
[12] Jrs have the right to change or delete any BBS that is offensive

Sapphire : Lv 1~59
Amethyst : Lv 60~99
Emerald : Lv 100&above
Amber : *Jrs will be based on level and loyalty to the guild and handpicked by marieeeee.

Level Requirement
Minimum level requirement to join is 30. (Existing members are excused.)

2nd Chars will be added to the alliance guild.

It's not about level, or competition between one another. It's all about friendship, bondage, and how care & concern comes into play.


12 August 2006

1 year [120807]
2 years [120808]
3 years [120809]
4 years [120810]
5 years [120811]

Rolls of Films

October 2007
November 2007
December 2007
January 2008
February 2008
March 2008
April 2008
May 2008
June 2008
July 2008
August 2008
September 2008
October 2008
November 2008
December 2008
January 2009
February 2009
March 2009
April 2009
May 2009
June 2009
July 2009
October 2009
December 2009
January 2010
March 2010
May 2010
September 2010
January 2013
